Ethan, I love you. You bring so much joy and laughter to our family. From your rough beginning, yet quick recovery, to the joys of potty training. From the nights I hear you pray, to the days I can see the world through your eyes. All this wonder in growth and learning has made our forever family closer. These three years have been better for me because of you. Happy Birthday son!
I sent that e book about potty-training to your yahoo email. I hope you still have the same email. Good luck and Happy Birthday Ethan!
Hey anytime you want some pics done just give me a shout.. kendylhawkins@yahoo.com we can wait for you to actually look preggo : )
Happy Birthday Ethan. Remember when Natty and Ethan were barely 1 and running around RS. Times goes by so fast!
AND congrats on number 3! So exciting. I hope you are feeling better very soon.
Amen! Happy belated B-day Ethan!
Happy Birthday to Ethan, he is such a cutie. I can't believe he's three already!
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